About The Site
AVTechSmurfVA is here for you and here to help! We like to focus on tutorials that help the average and advanced computer users find out new things that are safe and sometimes easy to use. We like to test new things and tell you about them and tell you if they are safe to use. We strive to make you a better user with the technical interface that you face with computers. I am proud to be partners with both Emanthekid and CustomMediaPro. They know a lot about computers and computer interface. Emanthekid is also a very talented musician and songwriter. I also have a new Youtube account, xXTechSupportXx. All of my new videos/tutorials will be uploaded to that Youtube account. Hopefully I helped you in your drive to success. If I did then it would be great if you supported AVTechSmurfVA by downloading my files that were made, subscribe to both AVTechSmurfVA's Youtube Channel and xXTechSupportXx's Youtube Channel, and sign up here at our site. Thank you for your time and I hope that I helped.
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